Event Details
Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) employees have responsibilities and training as such Essential COSHH Awareness is essential.
Therefore it is essential that ALL employees receive sufficient information, instruction and training.
This course will provide the delegates with knowledge to comply to the Regulations and work in a safe manner by following the appropriate safety precautions.
Consequently it will also outline the actions to take and the reporting procedures to employ in the event an unsafe condition existing regarding a hazardous substance.
Compliance with the regulations involves people at all levels in the organisation.
Meanwhile, by the end of the course delegates will be familiar with their responsibilities and duties under the COSHH Regulations and able to apply the principles and techniques to their own jobs.
The COSHH Regulations lay down essential requirements and a step by step approach for the control of hazardous substances.
Compliance with the regulations involves people of all levels in the organisation to ensure safe usage, storage and transportation.
Therefore it is suitable for all individuals who may be exposed to hazardous substances, and for those supervising them.
Therefore it’s applicable across a range of departments /activities and content is modified to suit the learner group.
•Understand the organisations responsibilities for safe management and use of hazardous substances, and individual’s own responsibilities
Duties with regard to the hazardous substances in use at their workplace.
•Understand what a hazardous substance is
•Have a general awareness of potential routes of exposure and harm caused by ‘exposure’
•Understand the general principles of control for safe chemical use including key messages.
Subsequently by the end of the Essential COSHH Awareness course delegates will certainly be familiar with their responsibilities and duties under the COSHH Regulations;
1. Principles and objectives of COSHH
2. Requirements of the Regulations
3. Hazard and Risk
4. Recognition and sources of information
5. Risk assessment in practice
6. Control measures and monitoring
7. Health Surveillance
8. Records
9. Information, Instruction and Training
10. Personal Protective Equipment
11. Applying COSHH at work