part of the phsc group

Working at Height

£25.00 +VAT per delegate


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Event Details

This Working at height course is designed for personnel who are required to use access equipment during the course of their work for access and egress purposes.

AIM: Falls from heights are the biggest cause of fatalities and serious accidents therefore to reduce the likelihood of this happening.

OBJECTIVES: It is intended to provide delegates with the skills and knowledge necessary to inspect, use, maintain and store access equipment safely in accordance with best practice. This will ensure that current legislation applicable to the safe use of work equipment is complied with and also reduces the possibility of injury or loss.

Employers responsibilities and employees (presentation by tutor and question/answer session)

Working at Height

Hazards and risks

Safe working practices (presentation and photographs to demonstrate learning. General principles discussed so learners can share experiences without feeling exposed)

Access Equipment (to be agreed with client what applies )

Reducing risks when using access equipment eg ladders, platforms

Hazards associated with ladders

Safe working methods

Inspection and checklist

Suspended access equipment, power operated and mobile work platforms, etc

(Learning method: presentation and photographs, followed by inspection of sample work equipment available on the day)

Practical demonstration of safe methods for carrying, setting up, using equipment by tutor

Competence assessment and test of learners in use of the equipment made available (where this is acceptable to the client) so each person to undergo practical work and observation by tutor. Where this is not acceptable, the learning will be via PowerPoint, u tube clips, and end of course test.

Roof Work (if this applies – to be discussed with the client)

Working safely

Method statements

Information, instruction, training and supervision

Work at height – Occupational health and safety – HSE