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The test is collected from a sputum saliva sample as opposed to a nasal swab in less than 15 minutes. This is less intrusive and clinically more accurate at detecting the virus.
For further information and to learn more about COVID Rapid Saliva testing please see below.
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PHSC can provide a Non Intrusive Rapid Saliva Test Device, to determine if a person currently has COVID-19 at the point of care in less than 15 minutes without the need to send the sample to a laboratory.
The COVID-19 test can quickly and qualitatively detect the nucleocaspid protein of novel coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) in human sputum/swab samples. The specimens are analysed at the point of care without the need for additional equipment.
We can provide clinical nursing specialists, GMC registered doctor, administration check-in assistant, positive result quarantine and project management support services if required.
An antigen test detects the presence of viral RNA. Usually, this requires taking a swab from the nose and throat and then analysing the specimen in the lab using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This new innovative technology now allows sputum saliva to be used instead of intrusive methods such as nasal intrusive testing.
These tests are a crucial part of mitigating transmission as we come out of lockdown. We need the ability to detect the carriage of covid-19 and respond to it rapidly. As people return to work and society tentatively re-opens, robust testing programmes as part of a return to work strategy will be key to reduce spread and improve confidence amongst employees and customers.