Early Bird Discount
£100 off if you book before 6/7/2016
About the Course
IOSH Managing Safely is designed as an introduction to health and safety in the workplace for managers. It focuses on training the manager to apply sound management principles to safety and health issues as part of a total management strategy.
Our IOSH Managing Safely courses are always modified to incorporate the client’s own policies and methods for working. We also use case scenarios relevant to your business so the learners can relate what they are being taught to the environment in which they are working.
Thanks for the four day course it was excellent really well delivered and hopefully it serves as a good spring board to my pursuit of the Nebosh General Certificate, which I recently started.
Mike Proudfoot Maintenance Manager Muir Group Housing Association
Four days – 18th-21st July 2016
Exam Format
One hour examination paper, comprising multiple-choice questions and a workplace risk assessment project undertaken at the delegate’s own workplace.
IOSH Managing Safely Course Content
- The legal framework for workplace health and safety.
- General approach to health and safety management, using the HSG65 management model.
- Understanding why incidents involving injury or damage occur.
- Behavioural factors affecting health and safety.
- Communication skills for health and safety.
- Commonly-occurring hazards, such as chemical hazards, slips, trips and falls.
- Machinery safety.
- Manual handling and mechanical handling.
- Electrical safety.